Prep Before First Day of Residency

Are you done with medical school and waiting to start your residency program? Keep reading to discover the best tips for residency preparation, so you give yourself the best chance of success. Complete Paperwork and Orientation Complete all your necessary paperwork before your first day of residency. For your medical license, DEA registration, and pharmacy license, consider how long it takes to process after you submit the paperwork and leave…

Interview With a Program Director

A successful career as a physician begins with a comprehensive medical school education and ends with graduate medical education in a residency program. Although landing a coveted residency requires a record of demonstrated achievement, candidates also need to reveal to program directors what they will bring to the practice of medicine. To help students stand out in a crowded field, Saint James School of Medicine spoke with residency program directors…

Caribbean Medical School vs. U.S. Medical School

If you want to attend medical school, you might wonder if there’s a difference between medical schools in the United States vs. those in the Caribbean. Keep reading to discover the important ways in which they’re different and how they’re alike. As an aspiring med student, you want to lay a firm foundation for your future residency and beyond. A Caribbean medical school can help you achieve your goals as…

What Is MSPE?

Anyone who enrolls in medical school and wants to someday practice medicine should understand what an MSPE is. These documents contain a telling overview of a person’s experience in medical school, spanning beyond a simple transcript. MSPEs are created mainly to inform the future residency programs of the student’ activity and performance during the medical school.  The residency program directors want to accept candidates into their residencies that are hardworking,…

Questions to Ask During the Admissions Process

Traversing the path to medical school can be a stressful feat, especially with competitive applications and financial support necessities. Still, keeping focused during admissions can help ease tension and ensure you have the necessary information. While the schools select you, you also choose them. Remember to ask several important questions during the admissions process to find the medical school you want to attend. These questions can help you narrow down your options…

Mistakes to Avoid During Clinical Rotations

Clinical rotations, also known as clerkships, are among the most essential requirements during any med student’s education. They provide hands-on experience at healthcare sites, allowing the student to become more familiar with core medicine and eventually find their specialty of choice. At the same time, clinical rotations are opportunities for preceptors to evaluate and guide students.  In order for medical students to get the most out of their clinical rotations,…

Another Class of MDs!

Congratulations to the Class of 2023! On June 2nd 2023 we celebrated the successful completion of the program by another group of SJSM graduates. With immense pride, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you. Your unwavering commitment to bettering humanity has not gone unnoticed. The road you traveled was paved with sacrifice, but you emerged victolrious, leaving us in awe. As we witnessed you grace…

Medical School Admission Mistakes to Avoid

Applying for medical school is no small task. It consists of numerous steps and requires extensive knowledge and dedication to pass admissions. However, many aspiring med students make application mistakes, diminishing their chances of entry. Explore these common admission mistakes applicants make when applying to medical school, so you can avoid them and give your application the best chance of success. 5 Common Medical School Admission Mistakes Few things are…

Advice on ENT Residency

Medical school can prove challenging, and with so many options for specializations, students may struggle to find a path they enjoy. Those considering an ENT residency can benefit from learning about Dr. Hasnie’s path through medical school and how her ENT residency helped her find her passion while at Saint James School of Medicine. During our recent interview with Mr. Kaushik Guha, the Executive Vice Presidenty of SJSM,, Dr. Hasnie…

Caribbean Medical Student Obtaining Licensure in NY

Are you considering applying for your residency in New York once you complete medical school at Saint James School of Medicine? If so, you must obtain a NY license to practice medicine from the state regulatory board before starting your residency. Many international med students discount the possibility of pursuing their residency in New York because it is difficult to get a medical license. However, there is no reason to…